Sales Training Is Paramount – But Do You Even Know Why?

Sales training is the key to winning in sales, and when you win in market share and sales, you also win in business. Far too many companies think that if they hire top sales people with great experience and resumes that their job is over – wrong! A salesperson may have worked at great companies, but been washed out, or even fired for fraudulent activity, or promising things he or she wasn’t supposed too.

It happens all the time, and if you run a sales department no doubt you’ve had to fire folks for these very reasons. Of course, there is a serious problem for sales departments: Training. Without proper sales training, it’s just as bad on your company’s bottom line, as having dishonorable salespeople.

A company that wants to compete and win in sales must start with Sales Training first and foremost. For some companies sales training may just be hiring a motivational speaker to come in, and then someone in the company explaining how to fill out the paper work properly and take the orders from customers. Listen, there is a lot more to it than that, salespeople must know the fundamentals of relationship selling, sales techniques, and moving the sales process along until the transaction is consummated, then giving good customer service and providing open communication channels with the buyer(s).

Never assume all of your top sales people know everything about sales, they don’t, yes, some know quite a bit, but good salespeople are like Good Christians, thus, need to have constant reinforcement, study sessions, peer support, and a leader they can trust to give them the instruction they need to do it right. Over the years running my Franchising Company, I’d made a few errors, and misjudgments along the way. So, my wisdom runs deep on these issues, I suppose anyone who has learned the hard way, is entitled to say that after the fact.

If you want to prevent making all the same mistakes I did, and recover from the ones you do make quickly as I had, then you need to continually educate yourself on Sale Training Techniques and Strategies, not just from MBA textbooks, as they can be fairly boring and dry, rather from the point of view of an entrepreneur and marketing warrior out to win. Why?

Well, that’s how you can learn to win also. CDs, DVDs, Tapes, Videos, yes, all good, and you’ll need to get the latest in the industry from electronic or paper based books too. Indeed, I wish you continued success in sales, but again that starts with proper training of your sales team. Make your move.

Source by Lance Winslow